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  • Prior to her attorney practices, Ms. Grace Guo served in the intellectual property division of a primary court in Shanghai for over 6 years and handled more than 700 civil and commercial disputes relate to intellectual property rights, including issues related to technology development, technology license transfer and trade secret infringement and other technical disputes, which largely riches Ms. Guo’s experience in technical dispute resolution.

    Ms. Grace Guo has over eight-year experience practicing an attorney since 2015. She’s been consulted with and resolved more than 300 intellectual property legal issues. Companies facing complicated and influential intellectual property litigations turn to Ms Guo for services and advices. Her practices cover intellectual property issues related to business logos, unfair competition, trade secrets, software, etc., Ms Guo also advices on general legal services such as contract drafting, examination, intellectual property transaction negotiation, infringement risk analysis. Especially, Ms. Guo provide comprehensive legal advisory services for high-profile high-tech enterprises, multi-brand enterprises and creative enterprises, receiving high recognition from her clients with her expertise dealing with difficult and complex legal affairs such as technology development, implementation of technological achievements, constructing intellectual property trading system framework, and has excellent civil and commercial dispute resolution skills.

    She has been ranked on the TOP50 list of China's excellent intellectual property lawyers and the "Brand Star" lawyer in the intellectual property professional field of Legal Vision.


  • Chinese、English

Honors and social duties

  • Deputy Director of Intellectual Property Professional Committee of Hiways Law firm

    Research Fellow, Intellectual Property Research Center, East China University of Political Science and Law

    Part-time Tutor of Master of Law in Shanghai University of Political Science and Law

    Member of Intellectual Property Experts in Pudong New Area

    TOP50 of the List of China's Outstanding Intellectual Property Lawyers

    Lawyer of "Brand Star" in Intellectual Property Field of LEGAL VISION

    "The A-List " Rising Star of China Business Law Journal

    Senior Corporate Compliance Officer


  • 2009.7-2015.7 Clerk assistant judge of the third civil Court(Intellectual Poperty Division)of a court in Shanghai
    2015.7-2019.11 Partner lawyer of Shanghai Hiways Law firm
    2019.12-2022.3 Partner lawyer of Shanghai Co-effort Law firm
    2022.3-Now Senior partner lawyer of Shanghai Hiways Law firm


  • 1.Represented Jiangsu Satellite TV's " IF YOU ARE THE ONE " trademark infringement retrial and won the case. The case was awarded the "Top Ten Typical Cases of Intellectual Property Rights of the Supreme People’s Court in 2016".
  • 2.Represented Zhejiang Satellite TV's "The Voice of China" unfair competition dispute case and reached a favorable settlement for the client.
  • 3.Represented Suzhou Daoxiang Village and Beijing Daoxiang Village in national well-known cases regarding trademark infringement, unfair competition.
  • 4.Represented the world's well-known liver testing equipment manufacturer, Echosens, in trademark invalidation and trademark infringement cases in the Supreme Court, and helped the client to prevail in those cases.
  • 5.Represented the appellant (plaintiff), Meiling Corporation Group, in the appeal of trademark infringement and unfair competition. The court ruled the defendant to change enterprise name for its infringement.
  • 6.Represented Jahwa Group, the first listed cosmetic company in China, in a trademark infringement dispute and was awarded the recognition of the well-known trademark of “Herborist” and the client recovered millions of compensation.
  • 7.Represented a Japanese well-known household brands in a trademark and false advertising and other unfair competition case and prevailed in appeal.
  • 8.Represented the victim, Schneider Electric and prevailed in both the first instance and appeal court of criminal cases of counterfeiting registered trademarks.
  • 9.Defended the global well-known enterprise Zhenhua Heavy Industry Co., Ltd, in the dispute over infringement of method invention patent and utility model patent and successfully invalidated the plaintiff's right patent at the National Intellectual Property Office.
  • 10.Represented a foreign trade company in a trade secret infringement case over an employee's client list, and reached a high settlement for amount of 600,000 RMB.
  • 11.Represented the international well-known camera company in the dispute over the infringement of technical secrets with its former employee and reached settlement.
  • 12.Represented the plaintiff, a national well-known chemical enterprise in technical secret infringement cases against former employees with claims valued over 100 million RMB.
  • 13.Defended a New Third Board enterprise in a software development contract dispute, successfully persuaded the plaintiff to settle the case for 0 RMB and withdrew the lawsuit.
  • 14.Defended in a computer software infringement dispute brought by a resigning employee claiming for 50 million RMB. With the attorney’s effort of defense, the court only awarded the plaintiff compensation of five thousand RMB.
  • 15.Represented in the appeal of the contract renewal and infringement dispute of the "The Legend of MirⅡ" software between Actoz Soft and We made Entertainment at the Supreme Court and prevailed.
  • 16.Represented a domestic well-known live broadcasting platform in a civil case where the platform was sued for improperly disposing of the shared property of a couple and prevailed. The attorney persuaded the court with comprehensive analysis of the industry characteristics of live broadcasting rewards and the nature of the actions of all parties involved.
  • 17.Representing and prevailed in several labor dispute cases involving non-compete restrictions.
  • 18.Represented and prevailed in defamation lawsuits between a company and its employee.


  • 1.Provided government investigation and corporate compliance services related to brands and claims for a well-known commodity company in the United States.
  • 2.Provided government investigation and advertising compliance services for a well-known advertising company.
  • 3.Provided government investigation and corporate compliance services for a well-known dental implant company.
  • 4.Provided global brand developing strategies and suggestions for a multinational motorcycle operator company.
  • 5.Provided perennial legal advisory services for a smart robotics company in the areas of technology, products, and market.
  • 6.Designed and structured the transaction model for a new chemical materials enterprise in relation to technology, brand, product, and investment.
  • 7.Provided legal guidance and suggestions for a new financial software development company to attract investment and technology collaboration.
  • 8.Provided legal risk analysis and suggestions for a foreign well-known clothing brand to enter the Chinese market.
  • 9.Provided trademark and corporate name infringement risk analysis and advice for a large domestic chain medical institution.
  • 10.Provided copyright infringement risk analysis and suggestions of game software for a domestic large game company.
  • 11.Provided risk analysis and advice for internet products for a well-known domestic enterprise.
  • 12.Designed business secret confidentiality measures for a national manufacturing and trading company.
  • 13.Investigated and provided solutions of the theft of trade secrets by the former quality manager for a world-renowned motor company.
  • 14.Provided case analysis and advice for a trade secret crime investigation against an equipment manufacturing company in Taicang.
  • 15.Assisted a global heat treatment company in administrative investigation of trade secrets by local market supervision administration and providing professional support for the consultation of the constituting of administrative penalties.
  • 16.Provided preliminary legal support for the landing project of a national well-known real estate enterprise and the brain Intelligence Department of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
  • 17.Provided legal services for two large media companies in Shanghai and Chongqing for a successful listing on the New Third Board.

Award-Winning Works

  • 1.Presiding judge of the Jill biochemical Trade Secret infringement case, awarded the Second National Outstanding Case Award for Young judges held by the Supreme Court.
  • 2.Presiding judge of the Pinot Trademark infringement and unfair Competition case, selected as one of the 50 typical intellectual property cases in Chinese courts in 2014.
  • 3.Presided over related cases and wrote the article "Identification of Commercial Defamation in Variety Show Category Soft Advertising", which was selected for publication in the "Selected Cases of the People's Court" by the Supreme Court, and was awared the 2015 National Second Prize for Cases by the People's Justice magazine.


  • 1.Copyright legal system chapter in Intellectual property Law Cases and Charts, Law Press, nearly 100,000 words.
  • 2.An Experimental Study of Copyright Protection of Overseas Film and Television Works without Administrative Examination, published in People's Judicature.
  • 3.Dilemma, Reasons, and Solutions, Recognition of Rights Ownership of Films and TV works, the subject of Shanghai High Court.
  • 4.Recognition of Copyright Infringement of Artworks, published in "intellectual property case reference" on the Shanghai Court Network.
  • 5.Discussion on the Protection of the Special Symbols of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, published in Pudong Trial.
  • 6.Recognition of the Reasonable Duty of the Organizers of Contests to Ensure that Award-Winning Works Do Not Infringe on Others' Copyrights, published in People's Judicature.
  • 7.Determination of Compensation Amount for Unauthorized Production of Others' Registered Trademark Symbols, published in People's Judicature and People's Court Daily.
  • 8.Identification of the Grounds for Cancellation of Trademarks for 'Three Consecutive Years of Non-Use and the Entities Exercising the Right of Cancellation, published in People's Court Daily.
  • 9.Authorized Foreign Brand Processing Actions Will Not Infringe the Exclusive Right of Domestic Registered Trademarks, published in People's Judicature and People's Court Daily.
  • 10.Rules for the Identification of Related Products as Similar Products under Trademark Law, published in Case Study.
  • 11.Recognition of Similar Trademarks and Similar Products, a court special research project.
  • 12.Recognition of the Elements of Business Defamation, published in Case Study.
  • 13.New Characteristics of Business Defamation in the Online Environment and Identification of Relevant Entities, published in Case Study.
  • 14.Analysis of the Effectiveness of Contractual Provisions on 'Prohibition of Reverse Engineering, published in Research on Intellectual Property Law.
  • 15.Causal Analysis of Plaintiff’s Difficulties in Winning Trade Secret Disputes and their Solutions, a court special research project.
  • 16.Enterprise Intellectual Property Protection Tips Handbook, distributed to the Shanghai Zhangjiang Function Park.

Lectures and Speeches

  • 1.Panelist, International Forum on Intellectual Property Rights and Trade-International Conference on Justice, Administration and Innovation, Zhejiang symposium on the theory and practice of judicial protection of intellectual property rights.
  • 2.Panelist, Seminar on Online Game Trademark and Anti-unfair Competition Protection.
  • 3.Panelist, Symposium on Copyright Protection in Sports Events
  • 4.Featured Guest of China, China-EU intellectual property salon on legal issues involved in live broadcast
  • 5.Featured Panelist of Zhihe and Hiways Law Firm, Identification and value realization of corporate intangible assets,
  • 6.Panelist, Case study: Brief Discussion on Intellectual Property Issues in Cross-Border Trade, Hiways Intellectual Property Department Establishment Conference and Seminar.
  • 7.Trade Secret Training Lecture for Enterprise Employees, annual training lecture of MicroPort Medical Group.
  • 8.Intellectual property strategy and management, annual training lecture of Zhenhua Heavy Industry Group.
  • 9.Lecturer of East China University of Political Science and Law, Legal thinking, Practical Experience and Intellectual Property Litigation-in the Instances of If You Are The One, The Voice of China, etc.

Media Interview

  • 1.June 2017, an exclusive interview on the protection of trade secrets in China with Linda Liu & Partners LLP.
  • 2.September 29, 2017, the Lessons Learned on Paper are not Profound and must be Put into Practice: An Exclusive Interview with Grace Guo, Shanghai Hiways Law firm, China Intellectual Property Newspaper, No. 1848.
  • 3.February 12, 2018, China Finance and Economics Newspaper, "Honda's lawsuit against Great Wall patent infringement will be a protracted war | tracing back to the source," "Grace Guo, an intellectual property expert and partner of Shanghai Hiways Law firm, told me how to judge whether there is infringement on Great Wall…"
  • 4.May 2018, participated in ALB's interview of Hiways intellectual property business as Hiways Partner.
  • 5.Published by multiple online media from September to October 2018: Grace Guo, attorney representing Suzhou Daoxiang Village Food Co., Ltd., told Beiqing Daily Newspaper’s interviewer that "although the amount of compensation awarded by the court was not high, the corresponding illegal acts were stopped. We believe that this judgment returns to the rules of the Trademark Law itself."

Contact Me

If you need consultation regarding any legal issues, or inquire about any business cooperation, please leave message for me. Thanks!