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Home > Office > Shanghai > Lawyers > Jenhor Zhao


  • Mr. zhao's legal services in the field of real estate and construction engineering cover all aspects of real estate development, transactions, project mergers and acquisitions financing, property management and engineering construction, in addition he also has in-depth research and rich practical experience in foreign investment, mergers and acquisitions, foreign-related fields, as well as equity investment, trusts, funds, bills and other financial legal services. When dealing with major and difficult cases, he can find a breakthrough in the numerous and complicated details to win legitimate interests for the parties.

    Lawyer Zhao provides consulting services for many companies, and provides a full range of legal services for their daily operation management, overall planning of investment and financing business, and dispute litigation/arbitration.

    Mr. zhao's working languages are Chinese and English


  • Chinese、English

Area of Practice

  • Real estate
  • Corporate, M&A.
  • Finance
  • Foreign investment law

Selected Publications

  • "Winning the Requisition of and Compensation for Buildings Lawsuit" published by China Legal Publishing House
  • "Consultation on Compensation Disputes over House Demolition and Land Acquisition" published by China Law Press
  • "Property Management Dispute Consultation" published by China Law Press
  • "Thinking on the Legal Issues of the Transfer of Off-plan Housing"
  • "A Preliminary Study of Shareholder Representative Litigation"
  • "Analysis of Legal Liability for Unmanned Delivery at the Port of Destination"
  • "Property Management Supervision Mechanism"
  • "Common rights disputes in public housing demolition"


  • In January 2014, I was interviewed by Caixin.com on the development of private enterprises' overseas mergers and acquisitions. See the article "Private Enterprises Beware of Heavy Penalties in the U.S.", http://companies.caixin.com/2014-01-03/100624707.html
  • In September 2013, I was interviewed by China News about the suspected illegal land occupation and construction of factories in a certain area in Hebei, see the article "Hebei Cancer Village Investigation: A Hengshui Chemical Plant was blocked by villagers day and night for half a month", http://www.chinanews .com/sh/2013/09-03/5236851_4.shtml
  • In August 2013, China Net interviewed lawyer Zhao Jiangao on the issue of "battery nature", see the article "Car owners claim that new Japanese manufacturers have to delete drafts to compensate for the early warning of spontaneous combustion of electric vehicles", http://finance.china.com.cn/ industry/energy/20130813/1721630.shtml
  • In October 2008, the Daily Economic News interviewed attorney Zhao Jiangao about the Lehman bankruptcy and Chinalco Assets Incident. See "Part of Rio Tinto's shares purchased by Chinalco in distress in Lehman bankruptcy", http://business.sohu.com /20081017/n260078409.shtml
  • In August 2013, a reporter from the Global Times (English version) interviewed and reported a foreign-related case handled by Lawyer Zhao Jiangao, http://www.globaltimes.cn/NEWS/tabid/99/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/672200/Expats-beware.aspx
  • In December 2012, the Evening News interviewed attorney Zhao Jiangao on issues related to the "Xianyu Xian" trademark. http://sh.sina.com.cn/news/xiaofei/2012-12-12/143125098.html
  • In July 2012, the Evening News interviewed Lawyer Zhao on "Apple Siri was sued for infringing the "Xiaoi" patent", see the article "Apple Siri was sued for infringing "Xiaoi" patent", http://news.sina.com.cn /o/2012-07-05/132324719180.shtml
  • In 2009, the Economic Observer interviewed attorney Zhao Jiangao on the legal issues of unfinished buildings. See "Secrets of "Unfinished Buildings" Professional Households: Operate from the Perspective of Commercial Operations." http://finance.sina.com.cn/roll/20091204/07087055317.shtml

Contact Me

If you need consultation regarding any legal issues, or inquire about any business cooperation, please leave message for me. Thanks!