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  • Attorney Chen Erman has worked for large private companies, foreign-funded enterprises and foreign-related law firms. She has a solid foundation in legal theory, and is good at dealing with corporate and foreign-related legal affairs, including internal management of the company, human resources construction, contract risk assessment and prevention, etc. She has cumulative legal service experience in the areas of corporate legal risk control and prevention, equity transfer, investment and financing, contract formulation and review, corporate governance, and labor dispute handling. She also has an in-depth study of the economic or criminal disputes involved by the senior management of the company.


  • Chinese、English

Practice Areas

  • Litigation of Company’s Commercial Affairs
  • Criminal Litigation of Corporate Crime
  • Perennial Legal Adviser Dispute Resolution

Education Background

  • Shanghai Maritime University Master of Law

Typical Cases

  • The retrial case of a well-known chain restaurant brand in China.
  • The dispute resolution between the client and a five-star hotel chain in the United States.
  • Liang’s criminal case of bribery.
  • Gao's arbitration case involving equity disputes.

Social Position

  • The member of Civil Committee of Shanghai Lawyers Association.

Representative work

  • Defense of Introducing Debate Crime and Joint Bribery-Liang ‘s Bribery Case

Contact Me

If you need consultation regarding any legal issues, or inquire about any business cooperation, please leave message for me. Thanks!